Pay stubs are a hassle for everyone involved. You never seem to have one when you need it, and requesting one from HR takes time and gives headaches.
Generally, the only time your employees need a pay stub is when they’re not at work. It’s in the evening or on the weekend, when they go in to a car dealership or a bank or a mortgage broker. Maybe they weren’t thinking about buying a new truck, but on a Friday night their old one blows its timing belt, ruining the engine. They wind up at a dealership Saturday morning, in the market for a new vehicle—and a new loan.
But your company’s HR representative isn’t in the office on Saturday, and the car dealer needs a pay stub to process your employee’s loan application. The employee winds up back at home, digging through files and old mail, looking for proof of their earnings. Even if they’re a fastidious organizer, it’s still a hassle—but let’s face it: most people don’t file every one of those away. So they call your HR rep at home, and she can either drive in to the office herself—which is a hassle for her—or she can tell them “no,” which ruins their weekend.
And you can’t blame her for saying no, either: she shouldn’t have to interrupt her off-hour plans to go in to the office, sit at her desk and print up a new pay stub, then meet them to deliver it. But what are the other options? Waiting until Monday? Sending it in the mail?
Cloud-based solutions can help you avoid all these troubles by providing your employees with easy access to pay stubs in a digital format at any time—wherever they are. But not all solutions are equal. What should you look for when deciding between the different cloud systems and their offerings?
- Synchronization with your Accounting System
Does the solution provide robust synchronization with your accounting system? Will it be able to quickly access the information that is needed from the accounting system to generate a pay stub on-the-fly? Can it connect directly to pull years worth of pay stubs to a requesting employee?
- Pay Stub Delivery
How will the system go about delivering the pay stubs to your employees? Will they deliver a weekly email with the pay stub attached—making your employees file and store each attachment? Will they provide a solution that will allow employees to login and download their pay stubs on demand?
- Mobility
Does the solution provide a mobile solution for when your employees are out and about? Will employees be able to access their pay stubs from their mobile device while they are getting a loan?
Save yourself the headache, and use an automated, cloud-based system. hh2’s Remote Payroll is not just an efficient system for time entry; it also allows any employee to get their pay stubs at any time, from anywhere, on their computer or mobile device.
All that you have to do is sit down across from your car dealer, open up hh2’s Pay Stub feature on your iPhone or Android, view your pay stub, and send it wirelessly to the dealer’s printer. There’s no need to file paper stubs, and no need to bother HR. You can do it yourself, from the palm of your hand.
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