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Are you tired of endless payroll errors, inefficiencies, and manual data entry in construction payroll? Watch the recording of our webinar, Take the Pain out of Payroll: How to Streamline Construction Time Tracking.  

Learn strategies to tackle the biggest challenges in construction payroll so you can run payroll easier and faster than ever. See how hh2’s construction time tracking app, Remote Payroll, is not just another tool. It's a game-changer for your construction teams, cutting the time it takes to process payroll by 70%.  

Top Key Takeaways: 

  • Solve Payroll Pain Points: Learn how technology simplifies how you manage payroll across various worksites and crews, with unique requirements for each project and team. 
  • Efficiency & Accuracy: Maximize productivity and reduce manual errors with our streamlined time tracking and automated data entry, ensuring accurate payroll every time. 
  • Flexibility Your Way: Discover flexible time entry methods and customized routing, empowering you to work how you want. 
  • Seamless Integration: Effortlessly sync time-worked with your accounting system, simplifying the payroll process. 

Watch the Recording Now and learn how you can run payroll faster than ever. >>>>


Quickly see why hh2 will help you speed up your payroll processes.


Reliably allocate labor and material costs to construction projects

Reliably allocate labor and material costs to construction projects

Reliably allocate labor and material costs to construction projects

Reliably allocate labor and material costs to construction projects

Reliably allocate labor and material costs to construction projects

Reliably allocate labor and material costs to construction projects

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