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All clouds are not equal!

Have you ever considered how cloud-based solutions can help you or your company be more efficient at completing your daily tasks? It is important to realize that not all cloud-based services are created equally. Outlined are some important standards to use when seeking online solutions to fill the roles of work performed.

The qualities that define any 'Software as a Solution' (SaaS) company are deep knowledge and expertise of the targeted field.  Experience, integrity, commitment and professionalism go without saying. You can’t rely on these qualities as you begin your search – of course, any company you ask will say yes. You need to research and look for the evidence.  

6 key items for choosing a cloud solution

Experience and reputation ARE a big deal

Has the software company been long into the game? Companies established with years of software development experience are only as good as their reputation. By the same token, newer firms might be a great option if they are currently getting exceptional client reviews.

Does the software company have something to hide?

A good online software solution won’t just tell you they’re great at what they offer; they’ll share with you completed examples of past work and testimonials from their client base coupled with excellent reviews.

Industry expertise in meeting demands

Selecting the proper software company with industry-specific expertise can mean the difference in having a cloud solution fit your company needs vs. cramming your workflow into a workaround.

Is software company agile?

Are they willing to listen and understand your business processes and configure their solutions in a way that makes sense for your company? Having a software solution that is customizable and flexible to your business workflow will have a much higher success rate in online rollout.

Implementation and training are a major part of a rollout

Does your potential software company have a dedicated implementation and training platform outlined?  Knowing whether or not the cloud-based solution is something you will set up and roll out on your own vs. having a seasoned and experienced trainer walking you through implementation is something you should know upfront.

Service comes first!

Working with any new company that is serious about their solution will be serious about looking after their client base.  Post implementation and training of any software needs met, it will be important to have quality customer service care to follow up with questions or issues that arise.

Bottom line

You want a technical company and expert in your field that can not only provide you with the cloud-based services you are seeking but also become a partner and advocate for your industry.  These are the areas will help you choose a Great Cloud-based Solution!

At hh2 Cloud Services, we know that we wouldn’t be in business without our customers. We’ve developed cloud-based solutions that meet and succeed your construction needs. We aren’t afraid to show our products to potential customers through real-time demonstrations. Hh2 also has an experienced implementation team to make your on-boarding process as seamless as possible. To sign up for a free demo of any of hh2’s solutions, call 801-683-7869 or visit

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